34 Years for Four: Belarusian Attorneys in Prison (And in Life)
May 21 has been declared an International Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus. Currently, there are almost one and a half thousand political prisoners in the country. Among them are 4 attorneys sentenced to long imprisonment for conducting their professional activities — Maxim Znak, Anastasia Lazarenko, Vitaly Braginets, and Alexander Danilevich.
Four names, four surnames, sixty-one letters, four licenses, four payer numbers. That's not enough to see and know a living person! Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote in The Little Prince: "If you tell grown-ups, 'I saw a beautiful red brick house, with geraniums at the windows and doves on the roof...,' they won't be able to imagine such a house. You have to tell them, 'I saw a house worth a hundred thousand francs.' Then they exclaim, 'What a pretty house!"
  • Maxim Znak
    Sentenced to 10 years
  • Anastasia Lazarenko
    Sentenced to 6 years
  • Vitaly Braginets
    Sentenced to 8 years
  • Alexander Danilevich
    Sentenced to 10 years
We do love and know our colleagues not by income figures, but by what kind of persons they are, what they like, what they are fond of, what the names of their dogs and cats are. And we want to tell you about wonderful people behind the soulless numbers of mere statistics. The motto of our colleagues from the Moscow Memorial: "We won't let tragedies turn into statistics." We want to prevent turning living people into lines on the "courts" websites.

Therefore, we, the Right to Defense project and the Belarusian Association of Human Rights Lawyers have prepared a mini-album for the Day of Solidarity with Political Prisoners) "34 Years for Four: Belarusian Attorneys in Prison (And in Life)", in which we tell about our colleagues who were unjustly convicted for being professionals, faithful to their duty and conscience.
Maxim Znak
The way life works is quite cynical — most people start appreciating an individual when he or she becomes unavailable. One such example of acute loss for Belarusian society is Maxim Znak. A well-known attorney, lawyer, legal professor, bard, athlete, husband, and father. On September 6, 2021, he was sentenced by the Minsk regional "court" to 10 years imprisonment.

So, who did Maxim manage to become in his 39 years by the time he was apprehended in 2020?
A tourist
The first thing that distinguished Maxim as a child was an active interest in tourism. Was there anything that he didn't do? Water hikes of various difficulty categories, trekking in the mountains, cycling and hiking in Belarus.

Any such trip is not only about difficulties and trials but also a test of human traits, as well as the ability to interact with people and be a team player. Maxim copes with this perfectly. Well, the highest point that he reached was Thorung La Mountain (5,416 meters) in Nepal.
A tourist
The first thing that distinguished Maxim as a child was an active interest in tourism. Was there anything that he didn't do? Water hikes of various difficulty categories, trekking in the mountains, cycling and hiking in Belarus.

Any such trip is not only about difficulties and trials but also a test of human traits, as well as the ability to interact with people and be a team player. Maxim copes with this perfectly. Well, the highest point that he reached was Thorung La Mountain (5,416 meters) in Nepal.
A bard
Maxim wrote songs and poems from a young age; at the same time, he got engrossed in playing the guitar. Over the years of creativity, hundreds of beautiful songs have accumulated, of which in 2017-2018 3 albums were recorded: "Kazki", "Harady", "Vietraź".

"Kupałaŭskija vakacyi", "Bardaŭskaja vosień" are just some of the music- and songwriting competitions in which Maxim took part and became their laureate.
A professor
Having started working by profession in the second academic year of the BSU Law Faculty (10-12 hours a day without days off and vacations), Maxim quickly became a professional, respected by his clients and colleagues. In 2009 he defended his thesis on civil law and got the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences (PhD in Law). Maxim taught, lectured, and conducted various seminars on legal topics:

— From 2012-2018 he was a lecturer at the Department of Civil Law within the BSU Faculty of Law

- From 2012-2019 he gave a course "Legal Framework of Conducting Business in Belarus" for the MBA program of the BSU School of Business

- From 2017-2019 he gave courses for the Executive MBA program of the IPM Business School.

"Finally, someone explained the legal rules clearly, intelligibly and to the point!" — this is how students spoke about Maxim, repeatedly choosing him "The best teacher of the course".
A professor
Having started working by profession in the second academic year of the BSU Law Faculty (10-12 hours a day without days off and vacations), Maxim quickly became a professional, respected by his clients and colleagues. In 2009 he defended his thesis on civil law and got the degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences (PhD in Law). Maxim taught, lectured, and conducted various seminars on legal topics:

— From 2012-2018 he was a lecturer at the Department of Civil Law within the BSU Faculty of Law

- From 2012-2019 he gave a course "Legal Framework of Conducting Business in Belarus" for the MBA program of the BSU School of Business

- From 2017-2019 he gave courses for the Executive MBA program of the IPM Business School.

"Finally, someone explained the legal rules clearly, intelligibly and to the point!" — this is how students spoke about Maxim, repeatedly choosing him "The best teacher of the course".
An athlete
Start running in order to lose weight? Good idea! But not enough for Maxim. Why run just for kicks? One needs a plan and a goal!

Starting with the first painful 5 kilometers in the spring of 2015, Maxim ran a half marathon in Kyiv in the autumn of the same year. However, the word "half" is not about Maxim. One needs to push the matter through and become one of the best. Therefore, in 2016 Maxim ran the total marathon distance (42,195 km).

Then there were 15 other half- and full marathons. And finally, in 2017 in Berlin Maxim accomplished the cherished goal of any amateur runner — he ran a marathon in 3 hours.
"Iron Max"
Considering that 42,195 km is an "average" achievement, Maxim decided to do something more serious.

What could it be? Of course triathlon! So, Maxim's cherished dream for several years has been to go the "iron distance" — a full triathlon distance called IRON MAN. The latter involves 3.8 km to swim + 180 km to ride a bike + 42.195 km to run = 226 km without any breaks and rest for any business (sure, labor law with its technical and eating breaks pales compared to the IRON MAN). Maxim passed this distance for the first time in 2018 in St. Petersburg. That's how "Iron Max" was born. Then he confirmed his rank twice more, each time improving his result.
"Iron Max"
Considering that 42,195 km is an "average" achievement, Maxim decided to do something more serious.

What could it be? Of course triathlon! So, Maxim's cherished dream for several years has been to go the "iron distance" — a full triathlon distance called IRON MAN. The latter involves 3.8 km to swim + 180 km to ride a bike + 42.195 km to run = 226 km without any breaks and rest for any business (sure, labor law with its technical and eating breaks pales compared to the IRON MAN). Maxim passed this distance for the first time in 2018 in St. Petersburg. That's how "Iron Max" was born. Then he confirmed his rank twice more, each time improving his result.
A writer
What to do if you are locked in a cell, and the exercise yard is clearly not sufficient for triathlon distances? Imagine, fantasize and create! After all, despite all the physical limitations and unimaginable difficulties, it is impossible to limit a person's thoughts and creativity. So, "thanks" to the "creative vacation" arranged by Maxim's detention since September 2020, hundreds of poems, short stories, a novel and many, many more things were born, which only Maxim and the censors of the pre-trial detention center on Volodarsky Street in Minsk and in the Vitba-3 prison colony are aware of. There is also the result of such a "vacation": the book of short stories "Zekameron" — a collection of observations and notes of an absolutely normal person who ended up in an absolutely abnormal place.
Many people note that Maxim impresses and inspires people not only with his personal results. He knows how to inspire those who are nearby, organize competitions, agree on the uniform production for the whole club, develop and move forward with any business he undertakes.

We hope that Maxim will cope with challenging trials, will be able to realize his potential and will become even stronger, like the "bulba" (potato in Belarusian) that he wrote about in the pre-trial detention center:
[Here comes the literal translation of Maxim's poem in Belarusian]

They thought they buried us…
But we are potatoes! How could we be buried?
We punched through the soil with our sprouts,
Tried to get to the sky.
They were cutting us to pieces,
But everyone broke through to the top.
There are more of us! Shazam!
Here! Hold another bag!
They left the bags in the dark,
They thought it would be the answer.
But we sprouted in the basement!
We are alive! You can't destroy us!
Vitaly Braginets
Vitaly Braginets is an attorney sentenced on February 2, 2023, within a politically motivated criminal case to 8 years in prison.

Vitaly's trial was closed to the public, so we can only guess at the grounds for conviction, but the list of articles in the verdict leaves no doubt that he was tried for what was most valuable and important to him, namely, his struggle for justice and the rule of law.

And who is Vitaly in ordinary life?
A physicist and teacher
By his first education, Vitaly is a physicist, which he constantly mentioned and even "applied" the physical laws in his legal practice. However, Vitaly has devoted the last 26 years to legal activities. Vitaly opened his legal office as soon as he started his legal studies. His legal business grew and expanded over time. Vitaly is a born teacher: he trained young employees in his law office, and now they are, as a rule, qualified and successful specialists. In 2013, he began to practice law and opened his own law bureau. His name is well-known in the legal community.
A physicist and teacher
By his first education, Vitaly is a physicist, which he constantly mentioned and even "applied" the physical laws in his legal practice. However, Vitaly has devoted the last 26 years to legal activities. Vitaly opened his legal office as soon as he started his legal studies. His legal business grew and expanded over time. Vitaly is a born teacher: he trained young employees in his law office, and now they are, as a rule, qualified and successful specialists. In 2013, he began to practice law and opened his own law bureau. His name is well-known in the legal community.
A devoted father
Vitaly is a devoted father of his son and daughter, who he continues to take care of. Vitaly does not miss the opportunity to boast about the success of his children, despite them being already old enough.
A perfectionist
Vitaly Braginets is one of those people who constantly work. For the first seven years of working as a lawyer, had no leave, meeting with clients even on weekends. Both in life and in his profession, Vitaly is a perfectionist. He spends hours perfecting the documents he is preparing, carefully approaches the preparation for the court sessions, developing a legal position. It was clear to all colleagues waiting in line to consider their clients' cases in court that it was highly likely that their trial would be postponed until tomorrow if a case involving Vitaly was considered before their trial.
A perfectionist
Vitaly Braginets is one of those people who constantly work. For the first seven years of working as a lawyer, had no leave, meeting with clients even on weekends. Both in life and in his profession, Vitaly is a perfectionist. He spends hours perfecting the documents he is preparing, carefully approaches the preparation for the court sessions, developing a legal position. It was clear to all colleagues waiting in line to consider their clients' cases in court that it was highly likely that their trial would be postponed until tomorrow if a case involving Vitaly was considered before their trial.
A traveler
In those rare moments when Vitaly managed to escape on a vacation, he gladly plunged into traveling, exploring new countries, cities, getting great pleasure from long walks, guided tours, and new cuisines.
A nature enthusiast
In his free time, Vitaly is fond of cultivating houseplants, he has grown a whole collection of avocados, as well as many other rare plants from seeds. Vitaly leads a healthy and active lifestyle, practices yoga, and hiking, and likes to go to the sauna with friends on weekends. He is a fan of nature and loves to greet dawns and sunsets with a cup of coffee. At one time, Vitaly also had very unusual pets — meerkats, which he loved to watch.
A nature enthusiast
In his free time, Vitaly is fond of cultivating houseplants, he has grown a whole collection of avocados, as well as many other rare plants from seeds. Vitaly leads a healthy and active lifestyle, practices yoga, and hiking, and likes to go to the sauna with friends on weekends. He is a fan of nature and loves to greet dawns and sunsets with a cup of coffee. At one time, Vitaly also had very unusual pets — meerkats, which he loved to watch.
Vitaly goes through hard times now since he has become a victim of what he has been fighting all his life — lawlessness, indignity, a travesty of justice. We believe that he won't lose the meaning of life in this brutal reprisal for his integrity, professionalism and dignity, and he will still be able to enjoy building a completely different legal system in the country, drinking his cherished cup of coffee and watching the dawn of Belarus as a whole.
Anastasia Lazarenko
Attorney Anastasia Lazarenko started practising in 2011 and provided legal assistance in criminal, civil, administrative, labor and family cases; since the summer of 2020, she has also undertaken defence in politically motivated trials. During the most challenging period, she consulted pro bono near the pre-trial Okrestino detention center and actively participated in Belarusian public life.

Who is Nastya in everyday life?
A gardener
Anastasia lived out of town in a private house with her son and two dogs — a husky and a dachshund. There she was engaged in gardening and organized delicious food preparations for winter from her own products. She dealt with the construction and repair of her house on her own, mowed the grass herself and did not ask for help from relatives or friends.
A gardener
Anastasia lived out of town in a private house with her son and two dogs — a husky and a dachshund. There she was engaged in gardening and organized delicious food preparations for winter from her own products. She dealt with the construction and repair of her house on her own, mowed the grass herself and did not ask for help from relatives or friends.
A mushroomer
Being out in nature is dearer to Nastya. She did not let herself miss the mushroom season, or not go fishing at least once a year. Long-distance trips have never been burdensome — Anastasia is a very experienced, keen and careful driver.
A traveler
Nastya loves active recreation, including tourism, and doesn't miss the opportunity to visit the sights of Belarus. She, without exaggeration, adores the sea and always tries to take her son on vacation whenever possible. She also likes to sunbathe — even during the walks in the pre-trial detention center, Nastya tries to catch as much sun as possible.
A traveler
Nastya loves active recreation, including tourism, and doesn't miss the opportunity to visit the sights of Belarus. She, without exaggeration, adores the sea and always tries to take her son on vacation whenever possible. She also likes to sunbathe — even during the walks in the pre-trial detention center, Nastya tries to catch as much sun as possible.
Girl Power
For almost a year of detention, Anastasia has maintained excellent physical shape, despite the limited opportunities for doing sports. Prior to her incarceration, she regularly attended the gym.

Nastya has a wonderful voice and an ear for music. She is also an excellent partner in fast and slow dances, which brings sad thoughts to mind — after all, there is no opportunity to listen to her favorite music in the detention center, let alone to dance to it.

There is also no way to watch her favorite movies in isolation (Nastya especially likes horror ones). Now only reading books allows her to escape from the surrounding gloomy reality. Over the past year, Nastya has become particularly addicted to Remark.
Anastasia Lazarenko is not just a political prisoner. She's an attorney. And the peculiarity of her condition is not that she has a certain status, but that she defended not only her clients but also their rights. And therefore, our rights. And she did it with dignity, without betraying the ideals of her profession. We are looking forward to the end of this injustice and to all the decent people returning home.
Alexander Danilevich
A well-known and successful attorney, arbitrator, professor and a great person. In 1996 he graduated from the BSU Law Faculty with a specialization in International Law, trained abroad. Alexander is greatly talented: he speaks fluently in seven languages. He is the first and only Belarusian arbitrator in the Sports Arbitration Court (TAS-CAS) in Lausanne (this court that resolves sports disputes). Until February 2020, he headed the Belarusian Rugby Federation.

What is Alexander known for besides his main occupation?
A scientist
Alexander is a professor and candidate in legal sciences (possesses PhD in Law). His main passion is law and teaching. He is one of the most beloved professors. For many years he taught international arbitration law and international civil procedure at the Belarusian State University.
A scientist
Alexander is a professor and candidate in legal sciences (possesses PhD in Law). His main passion is law and teaching. He is one of the most beloved professors. For many years he taught international arbitration law and international civil procedure at the Belarusian State University.
An athlete
Alexander extremely loves sports. One of his outlets is rowing. He even hooked all his acquaintances on it. Alexander has several kayaks of his own.

Alexander is also fond of rugby. As he himself said, he had never been a professional athlete, he just loved to play sports. Alexander played for a rugby team in Minsk for a while but stopped after an injury. From 2012-2016 he was also the head of the Rugby Federation in Belarus.

If you look up the archives of Pressball (Belarusian sports news media), you can find the column "Sports law with Alexander Danilevich" that he led in the 2000s.
Alexander speaks out against the war
He signed a statement of Belarusian attorneys and lawyers against the war in Ukraine.

"I am against the war; it's my human, civic and Christian position. I don't think I did something 'extremist'."
Alexander speaks out against the war
He signed a statement of Belarusian attorneys and lawyers against the war in Ukraine.

"I am against the war; it's my human, civic and Christian position. I don't think I did something 'extremist'."
Alexander has a large family
Alexander is the father of many children. He is also a catholic, parishioner of the Church of St. Simeon and Elena in Minsk (also known as the Red Church).
Unfortunately, most likely, these are not the last attorneys convicted for their professional activities. At least two more lawyers are in jail with charges of a political nature — Yulia Yurgilevich and Alexey Borodko. We wish all the lawyers in custody to return home as soon as possible.
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